AJV - ENERGO, a.s.
Introduction - About the Company AJV - ENERGO, a.s.
About the Company AJV - ENERGO, a.s.
Turbine repairs
Production of spare parts for the energy industry
Service of energy installations
Repairs of steam turbines of all outputs
Actuators of turbogenerators of op to 500 MW
Repairs of steam turbines of all outputs
Repairs of water and gas turbines of all outputs
Repairs of compressors
Repairs of pumps
Repairs of rotors of steam, combustion (gas) and water turbines, including the replacement of blades
Repairs of rotors of generators
Renovation and surface treatment of metal parts, welding, plasma and flame technologies
Zde pro Vás připravujeme videa
AJV - ENERGO, a.s.
Head office:
Vlkov 134
594 53 Osová Bítýška
e-mail: ales.valik@ajvenergo.cz
tel: +420 731 584 678
e-mail: jiri.valik@ajvenergo.cz
tel: +420 733 108 600
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